Stop Looking At Your Ad Account Worrying If Google Is Screwing You Over

Using my Fine eye Audit system, I’ll create a custom detailed Audit roadmap that shows you how to plug all the hidden leaks in your Google ads account so you can finally scale profitable with ease without dealing with ongoing expenses from agencies/freelancers who don’t know what they’re doing

Been Trusted By
Ryan has just sent my audit over and I am still on page 1. What can I say. WOW. 1 insight that this year Google started auto applying recommendations to my ads, is unbelievable. This year my google ads have gone from £10 t0 £100 a conversion (a conversion for me is just a lead not a sale). This is a BIG deal to me. Obviously I have turned the ads off. Unreal. Ryan is awesome. If you need someone to look at your ads, don't look to anyone else. I have a guy I am working with on branding and ads, and he has logged in and not mentioned this, also looked at my account. RYAN YOU THE MAN

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to scale…
And your business isn’t still growing as fast as it should…

I’m willing to bet that the REAL REASON you’re stuck isn’t because:

You feel your niche or industry is saturated because of the amount of competitors you see.

Every time you run a new ad it seems like it just seems like all it does is keep seeping into your profit margins

You feel your niche our industry is too small and you’ve tapped out the market already.

These factors happen. But the truth is. 

… these factors aren’t the REAL REASON you can’t break the ceiling 

Infact. It usually comes down to one thing.

Most “Winning Campaigns” Stop Working At Scale

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

You launch a brand-new campaign with a fairly small test budget. After a day or two, it's clear you have a winner! Volume is small, but the campaign is profitable, so you ratchet up the budget.

As your spend increases, so do sales. Immediate ROI dips a bit, but you're still in the black, so you pour on a little more budget.

You’re worried its going to stop so you hire an agency/freelancer to take over and they tell you:

But then, something happens...

Conversions drop...sales dry up...and your winning campaign becomes a big, fat loser. You do your best to optimize the ad copy and targeting, but nothing seems to work.

Even more frustrating, the campaign is still a flop when you drop your spend back down to the original test budget levels.

If you’re tired of seeing this happen.

Well, I've got some good news for you…

Over the last 4 years i’ve spent over 6 million dollars on Google ads alone.

Getting Clients results like these


Duration: First 3 Months

Mid-Day Squares

Duration: 11 Months

Now i’ve used tha experience to create the audit system that is replicable for businesses including yours

This system is my simplest and most certain way for you, to FINALLY hit or even exceed your growth goals.

This audit system I like to call…

The Fine-Eye Audit

This FREE Fine Audit you get is a condense version of everything i discovered from running literally thousands of campaigns for our clients and spending millions of dollars on Google Ads.

Tailored to help you scale yours.

Once you receive it you’d find out:

• The costly errors you're undoubtedly doing with Google Ads right now • How to limit your keyword bids to those that generate sales rather than merely conversions.

• How to quickly and easily find hidden revenue streams from your campaign

• How to outperform your rivals in market share while having a lesser budget

• How to find out exactly how competent/incompetent your paid search agency is

All for FREE

How We’d Use The Fine Eye Audit
For Your Business

Get In Contact

Once you’ve given me your details. i’d out to you to Find out if we are a good fit to work together

The Audit

I will look into your current targeting systems and strategies to understand what's been working and where we need to optimize things.

The Report

Right after i’ll go and create your custom strategy that you can use to scale your business and send it to you.

Ready to take advantage?
How do you know if we’re a good fit.

You’re a good fit for us if:

You’re a bad fit for us if:

Who am i? And why should you trust me?

Client Ad Spend
$ 0 m
Client Revenue
$ 0 m
Client ROAS
0 %

My name is Ryan

I'm a Fully Certified Google Ads Specialist. Specializing in Google Shopping Ads and Google Search Ads.

And After auditing over 200+ accounts in over 57 niches like:

•Scubba diving
•RV parts
And With over $6m+ in ad spend.

I know a thing or two about what it takes to scale businesses to the next level


The truth is .When you spend that among of money on ads - across so many different industries -

You learn a lot about exactly what works…

…and what doesn't.

Not theoretically what works, from some YouTube tutorials and courses.

Not things you find left and right on reddit.
Ryan Fenton PPC

It’s All Free? What’s The Catch?

Truth is…

I want to work with you long term to scale your business profitability.

And instead of playing chicken

I’m going to show you first up how we can improve your business. But before that

Here’s the…

Best Case Scenario

You find out the little holes in the bucket that the agency…you…or your current freelancer missed

At No Cost

And see a 60% or more increase in revenue just like Steve
I've always felt let down by other agencies I've worked with and Ryan was my last hope. I'm glad I worked with them they improved my online business by 60%! I was a little hesitant at first to do PPC but we started small and after seeing results, invested more and more. Highly recommend these guys! Steve Al Appliances
Ai Aplliances

And multiple others seeing results after implementing what they get from The fine eye audit

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John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
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John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe

You can keep me on to double that number over time

But what about the…

Worst case scenario

You still get all the expert advice needed to improve the quality of your campaigns

But you don't want to work together long term,

If it comes to that

There will be no hard feelings

You still get everything you need to implement regardless

Does that sound fair?


Here’s what to do next

From here it’s just finalizing the details. Click on the button below

And pick what day works best for you

Insert calendy.


If you’re too busy to get on a call

You can leave your contact details here